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Thursday, September 5, 2013

And You Shall Call His Name Jesus. 

But while he thought about these things, behold, an angel of the Lord appeared to him in a dream, saying, Joseph, son of David, do not be afraid to take to you Mary your wife, for that which is conceived in her is of the Holy Spirit. And she will bring forth a Son, and you shall call His name Jesus, for He will save His people from their sins. Matthew 1:20-21 NKJV

It is well stated in this passage the reason why the Son of God's earthly name is Jesus. Jesus means Savior. And the primary thing that He came to save us from is SIN. That is what Adam fell into that initiated all the death, darkness, ignorance, decadence, evil and chaos we see today. It striped man of Glory. In order for man to be restored and for all these chaos to be removed, the source of the decay which is SIN must be removed also. Hence the arrival and redemptive work of Jesus.

I repeat, the primary reason why Jesus came, and is called Jesus is to save from sin. If He saves you from sin, then the order of decadence, lust, poverty, death, curses, etc will dry up and cease. Don't seek prosperity, deliverance, and blessings, rather seek Jesus for freedom from the hold of sin. Then blessings can flow. Don't put the cart before the horse.

If Jesus' primary reason or objective or purpose for coming to us is to save us from our sins then irrespective of our callings, sin should be a primary thing we should seek to address and save ourselves and people from. As ministers, Pastors, Prophets and God seekers, sin should be the foundational issue we must seek to deal with. Irrespective of if we are called to teach or preach Prosperity, faith, healing, deliverance, discipleship, music, grace, holiness, prayer, evangelism, relationships, marriage, miracles, anointing, etc sin must be the primary issue we must seek to uproot. With sin in the lives of the people or ours, how effective is our message? What can we achieve with people whose lives are well controlled by sin? Our message will not bear fruit in them if sin is not addressed when we preach faith, grace or prayers to them. All our work in people's lives must have sin removal as a primary objective. I believe we will fail in our callings and fail our Lord who called us if we do not seek to address sin consistently in the discharge of our call.

It was and is still Jesus primary objective and so it must be yours and mine too.

As brothers and sisters, we must not relent, sin must not have a hold on us. It is possible to live free from the hold of sin, God demands it and we must obey Him. He is the source of power, lets seek Him and find Him till He makes the name Jesus (savior) real in our lives by saving us from all our sins.

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