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Monday, June 10, 2013

Come Closer To See Closely.

Recently my designation changed in my place of work, and this meant that i had to leave the over two hundred people I oversee to go elsewhere and manage another bunch of people. Interestingly I looked back to the over two years i spent in that assignment and the several hundreds of lives that have passed through me during these period. It was saddening to realize my life had touched a little number of them EFFECTIVELY. I know I could have made a greater difference in these lives.

Why such a minimal impact?

I realized that a lot of them didnt realize who i am and what am capable of and thus couldn't take advantage of what i can offer.
A lot of them didn't know the gifts and abilities that I have and so could not connect to or take advantage of it.

So why did they not know?

Because they didn't come closer. A lot of them didn't bother to look closely. They judged me by my looks, dressing, demeanor, position, age, tribe, class, rumors, gossips, etc. And subsequently missed out on what my life could have poured into theirs.

Some people were college or childhood friends of very outstanding people today but they didn't see what they were capable of then. I now see how a lot of people would have passed through a lot of influential people without knowing. Only Heavens know those people you have allowed to slip away with content that could have accelerated your progress in life.

I felt sad as I attended the send off party held for me. I could have offered more and helped so much more. "What could I have done differently" was the thought in my heart. I was on the verge of blaming myself until I remembered Jesus. He reached out to everyone but few came close, and it was those few that later caught the revelation of Him as the Son of God. They didn't know until they came close. Those who didn't come close couldn't know. He called some, like the rich young man but he couldn't come because of his riches. After a three-year ministry whose impact thousands of years later, we're yet to recover from, Jesus left only a few close people on the earth. People who truly knew Him and in whom He poured much into were few. 

Others won't come close because He was regarded as one who performed miracles through Beelzebub. Some where discouraged by the rumors peddled against Him. A lot just criticized Him for His success, some because He challenged their religious beliefs and others because He associated with the poor.
Do you know you might be criticizing people you ought to be close to. You wont understand and see them properly from a distance. Same way a lot of people may have criticized and misrepresented you.

How many people have you failed to connect with or harness their potential because you stayed afar of? Whereas if you had moved closer they could have been a pivot for your lifting and destiny. God uses people, and there are people positioned to help us, all we have to do is "come thither".


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